Legend of the Five Rings Void Medallion - BJS Inc. - Necklace
Legend of the Five Rings Void Medallion - BJS Inc. - Necklace
Legend of the Five Rings Void Medallion - BJS Inc. - Necklace
Legend of the Five Rings Void Medallion - BJS Inc. - Necklace

Inganekwane yezindandatho ezinhlanu ezingenalutho iMedallion

Intengo ejwayelekile $45.00

Ngokubambisana neFantasy Flight Games, umculi weBadali Jewellery ujabule ukukulethela iLegend of the Five Rings Void Medallion.

Yekuchumana: I-Void Ring medallion iphonswa ngethusi eliphuzi futhi yaqedwa ngokwelashwa kwezinto zasendulo. I-Legend of the Five Rings pendant ilinganisa ama-26.6 mm ubude, 23.9 mm ububanzi, no-2.7 mm endaweni ephakeme kakhulu. I-medallion engenalutho inesisindo cishe esingu-8.9 amagremu. Ingemuva le-pendant liqoshiwe futhi ligxivizwe nelungelo lethu lobunikazi nabenzi.

Izinketho zamaketanga24" iketango elide lensimbi engagqwali noma intambo yesikhumba emnyama engu-24" (engeziwe ngo-$5.00). Amaketanga angeziwe ayatholakala ku- ikhasi lezesekeli.

OkufakiweLe nto iza ihlanganiswe ebhokisini lobucwebe nekhadi lobuqiniso.

ProductionSiyinkampani eyenziwe-oda. I-oda lakho lizothunyelwa ezinsukwini zebhizinisi ezi-5 kuye kwezingu-10 uma into ingekho esitokweni.